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.65 oz package
Basil is known as the king of spices, as it blends well with any other seasonings. Basil is also known as "great basil" or Saint Joseph's Wort. The french sometimes call basil the "royal herb". Basil is thought to have originated in India and was written about in ancient Greece. It is also probably the most important herb in Italian cuisine.
Basil goes especially well with tomato dishes, juice, soups, salad and sauces and is perfect addition to meats, vegetables and seafood. It is essential when making pesto sauce! Some species of basil, used in some Asian dishes, taste similar to anise.
Some believe the Aztec people used basil tea to fight bad breath and to bring luck. In areas of Mexico, basil is hung in the doorway or window of shops for good fortune. The ancient Greeks and Egyptians believed basil would unlock the gates of heaven for someone that had passed away.